Infant Feeding Support
As a FEDANT Infant feeding councillor I can offer feeding support alongside my osteopathic treatments for my patients. This would be:
a thorough feeding assessment, observing the baby feeding and discussing techniques and positioning.
Understanding effective milk transfer
Support with challenges such as sore nipples/nipple damage, slow weight gain, mastitis, thrush, engorgement, identifying under/oversupply, baby fussing at the breast.
Bottle feeding
Home Visits for newborns are available, please contact me directly for further information

Breast feeding support along side osteopathy is beneficial in overcoming feeding issues, such a shallow latching, nipple pain, tension from birth and post tongue tie release.
Bottle Feeding
Bottle feeding is a skill in itself and making sure the bottle is prepared correctly, given correctly- without being guzzled and creating wind for the baby, its all a minefield. Having support with bottle feeding alongside osteopathy is just as important and can really help the baby with clicking, dribbling, reflux issues, after a tongue tie release.
“I am so grateful that I found Sian, she is professional, highly knowledgeable and friendly. She has helped me with back problems, headaches, tennis elbow, breastfeeding positions and with my childs postural problems”
Jessica 41