You want to be painfree. Headaches, back pain, knee pain, elbow pain, sports injuries, anti natal, post natal problems, arthritis, RSI, TMJ or joint dysfunction can all be treated with Osteopathy.
Stiffness, back, wrist or elbow pain
Osteopathy can help with all different types of pain. Treatment is hands-on and involves skilled manipulation of the spine and joints, and massage of soft tissues. You will be given an explanation of what treatment involves.
Pregnancy & Recovery
Pregnancy can place your body under major stress. Osteopathy can help with postural changes, pelvis instability, public symphysis dysfunction, back pain and birth recovery.
Breastfeeding Support
Infant feeding support along side osteopathy is beneficial in overcoming feeding issues, such a shallow latching, nipple pain, tension from birth and post tongue tie release.
Mobility & Strength
Osteopathy aims to improve simple movements and stretches along with your posture and mobility. Pain or stiffness can be caused by all kinds of things and regained use of movement can often help.
Staying Active
Osteopathy treatment can assist with the Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) to keep you moving at whatever age you are.
“Sian’s clinic was recommended to me by a friend and I can now see why. It was easy to get an appointment and when I got there she was friendly, authoritative, thorough and explained her diagnosis of my back problem clearly and patiently. I’ve had two treatments so far and already I’m feeling much better and starting to get back into exercise, as per her instructions. First class!”
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